Cranston PArty guests - Unleash your inner rock star!

A Cranston Party is always legendary, but now you can apply to be the legend by joining Mind the Gap - New Canaan's Award-winning Best Local Rock Band (Best of the Gold Coast Awards 2016 and 2017). We ROCK! But we do something that most cover bands don’t do - it’s called Rockaoke and we want you to get up and sing with us at the graduation party on June 26th at the Cranston residence!

What is Rockaoke?

Rockaoke is like Karaoke. Except it isn't. It is SOOOO much better. 

ROCKAOKE is when a rock band (us!) invites members of the audience (you!) up on stage to sing with us. Click play on the image below to see a short video that tells you more about what makes us unique, and the Rockaoke experience:

If you've ever had a secret (or blatant!) fantasy to front a group and rock out, or you have simply been curious to see what it would be like - THIS is your chance to jump on stage and sing with a LIVE band! We provide the lyrics on a scrolling screen and moral support - we'll get you back on track if you get lost. You can come up solo and experience the amazing buzz of being a Rock Star frontman (or woman), or use "strength in numbers" to alleviate nerves and hook up with friends to sing together. It's the best fun you will ever have!

I'm in! How do I sign up?

For a chance to sing a song with Mind the Gap as one of our Guest Lead Singers for one night only, complete the details below by 6/19* to have the best shot at getting chosen. If you are one of the lucky ones, your name(s) could be picked to be the star of the show! Spaces are limited, so first come, first served. We will try to accommodate as many Rock Stars as possible!

* You can submit your request right up to the day of, but for the best possible chance, please do so by 6/19.

Mind the Gap rocked our party. There’s nothing like having the chance to sing with a live band
— Simon Bradley - Senior Vice President of Marketing at Madison Square Garden